Friday, June 24, 2011

Time to say Goodbye...

I have no idea where to start. There are so many emotions about today and about the week. We started the day with a treasure hunt in a very large open field and ended by giving out the prayer blankets. All the kids, even those that were so wild during the week, calmed down when we gave them out. They all just seemed to melt when we wrapped the blankets around them and prayed for each one of them.

Saying goodbye is so hard but there are people here that do some amazing work with all of the people here. We all know that the kids will be very much loved by the people who work in the villages, the translators, etc.  I can't really put into words yet how I felt to see kids crying and to see them staring out the window of the bus with such sad looks on their faces. I'll have to work on this entry in a day or two.

We leave tomorrow morning (Friday night in the states) and start the journey home. We'll drive to Bucharest, tour the castle of the former Romanian monarch on the way, finish the drive in and then settle into our hotel.  We'll be up early Sunday morning to begin the trek home through about 3 time zones to arrive back into Atlanta Sunday night around 7:00 pm.

This is my final "peace out" from Targu Mures for 2011!! Love and hugs!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Eternal Security - Day 4

It's so hard to believe that we finished Day 4 of camp especially since Monday, I thought this was going to be the longest week ever!! It has flown by. Of course, there is not much time to be bored...I think we've been on the move every second of every day.  Today brought on several minor injuries...Pablo pulled his hamstring muscle and was out for the day after the morning games, LeAnn pulled a groin muscle and while trying to catch a kid who climbed a wall, Avis was stung by something (it's a funny name but I can't remember it) and had welts all over the lower part of her legs.  Overall, it was a good day. Cosmina decided to run again today.  At one point I had to have Lynda catch her for me and then both of us literally had to carry and pull her through the door.  I had to have the "head guy" have a talk with her. She straightened up but wouldn't have anything to do with me. Then at the Memory Verse station, she came and put her arms around me and gave me the biggest hug. 

Tomorrow is Day 5 - Field Day!!  We are really unsure about the number of kids we'll have in our groups or who they will be. We all had some new kids today and we had some that either weren't allowed to come back or they couldn't fit on the bus. We were told if kids didn't come today because of behavior, they wouldn't be there tomorrow. So I guess we will just have to wait and see when the bus arrives.  We've picked out blankets for each one and we will give those out tomorrow along with goody bags.

After camp, we split up...some went back to the Livada office to organize the goody bags and bring the blankets back to the hotel and the rest of us went to the Baby Hospital.  The babies are adorable; Lisa and Rachel have done an amazing job with them this week!  The babies were given their blankets along with Gabi and Mira (not sure about spelling).  We will have those pictures up in the next day or so. Today was Rachel's last day because she's going to camp with us tomorrow.  Lisa will spend one more day at the hospital.  It was really hard for Rachel to leave today and I remember that feeling last year. It doesn't take long to become very attached to them especially when they do something special like Emma running into Rachel's arms with her arms wide opened. It's hard leaving them in their current situation and so badly wanting to change it.

The prayer focus for today's devotion was for all of you at home that made this trip possible for us and for those that might have wanted to come on this trip but couldn't. This trip would have never happened without your support...either through your prayers, making and snipping blankets, helping with luncheons and dinners, working on the cookbook and/or financial support. We are especially missing those that were with us last year but not this year. You are all a blessing to us.  

Tomorrow is an early day for us so in the words of Tabitha...I'm gonna peace out!! We pray that all of you feel the blessing you have been for us!! You are as much a part of this trip as we are!!

Love to all of you!!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Eternal Security - Day 3

Yesterday's post was very hard. I didn't know what to write because I was really struggling with the whole day and how was I feeling. I also know that this blog isn't meant to be about me but a way to communicate what we're doing here. But the way I was feeling yesterday, I was afraid I would give a negative view of what is happening. 

We've all had difficult kids this week and I know there are those of us that wish some of the kids we've had  wouldn't come back. They run away, they kick, they cuss, they spit, they bite...but then they're hugging you.  Pablo and I are in the same work group and we've had several kids that have not been the best. We've had one little girl who was so bad on the bus yesterday that they wouldn't let her come to camp and yes, she was that bad at camp on Monday. Then there's a little girl, Cosmina - maybe 10-11 years old - who has pushed as much as possible every button in me and knows she is doing it.  Yesterday she was intentionally pushing harder and harder. She wouldn't get in line, she wouldn't participate in anything, when we would try to get her, she would run. I had had enough...once I finally caught her, I wrapped both my arms around her, sat down with her and had one leg over her. She fought me for 30 or more minutes. I told one of our translators to tell her that if she would stop fighting me and stop running off, I would let her go. She stopped fighting eventually and I let her go. Unfortunately, that didn't stop her from running off. We definitely were not friends the rest of the day. Leaving the camp last night, I wanted so badly for her not to come back...I even wondered why in the world I did this. 

When she arrived at camp today, I tried to give her hug...she totally turned away from me. We stayed far away from each other most of the day but her behavior was better.  Right after lunch she came to where I was sitting and sat down next to me...slowly she held my hand and then I got huge hug. Another little girl, Alexandra, she was off and on as far as behavior but never would really get close to me. Today, she never left my side. During craft time, they were making bracelets...they could only make 2. She made her first one and started her next one.  When she finished it, she looked up at me and pointed to my arm. The bracelet was for me!

I can't even describe how I felt...from struggling about even doing camp to wondering why I would even question it. So, why do we do this?? If even 1 hug, 1 picture or 1 smile makes a difference or puts something in their heart that wasn't there before then that's why we do it.

I pray tomorrow will be a good day. I can't wait to see Cosmina and Alexandra tomorrow. We all have those kids we're struggling with but I don't think any one of us would change anything except maybe the running!  What a difference a day makes!!

Please continue to pray for us...thanks for all the prayers!!

We miss everyone at home

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

More pictures...

Enjoy the pictures...I will fix their order hopefully tomorrow and write captions!

This is how we spend our nights after a long day at either the Baby Hospital or Camp.  Apple should use us for an ad.

Eternal Security - Day 2

Today's entry will be short but there are pictures loaded so everyone has an idea of what we did today. Camp Day 2 was fairly similar to Day 1 but a little easier as far as kids running off.  The kids played some interesting games...the funniest one to watch was the sheet relay. Each person on the team was wrapped in a sheet and had to roll from the start line to the finish line and then the next person follows until there's a winner.  No one could roll straight...they would start straight and then start rolling in a circle. Kudos to Avis who was the star of the day for making story time for her groups something the kids really enjoyed.

After camp, we went to another gypsy village where Tarina works each week. I can't remember the name...Some thinks it sounds like Oprah and others think it sounds like okra...whichever, I can't remember.  Tarina has developed quite a relationship with those kids. When they sang today, it was such a beautiful sound because it came from their heart. They were so proud of themselves.

Lisa and Rachel were excited that they were able to keep the babies outside for quite some time today. They hope to be able to do some supply shopping tomorrow and possibly get some board books to ready to the babies.

Enjoy the pictures...hopefully tomorrow I will have the energy to write more!


Lena taking pictures at the gypsy village...they are so fascinated by cameras!

Jordan bringing back a runner

David as Goliath

David aiming at Goliath 

Goliath hitting the ground!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Pictures from the Baby Hospital and Apalina

Mary and I can't remember the name

Rachel & Alina

Stacey and Pia (she's just too cute)

Lena & Pia, Rachel & Alina

Alina being silly with Gabi's sunglasses

Jordan & Keith in Apalina

Lena & the great escape artist, Emma

Eternal Security - Day 1

I'm not sure how interesting today's entry will be (not that any have been very interesting) because I just can't seem to come up with the words to describe it all.  Maybe some 7 Days mini croissants with chocolate filling will help with that. I guess it's a good thing I can't find them in the states because they're just too good!

Today was the first day of camp with the gypsy kids. Several people asked me today how my first day of camp was. The first thing out of my mouth was ACTIVE. We all had kids that 1 minute would be hugging and sitting in our lap and the next running from us, running to see if we would chase them, kicking us and cussing at us either in Romanian, Hungarian or Gypsy...even though we didn't understand the words, we could read the facial expressions. Deeper than all of that, though, is watching a child fight with another child because they don't want to share another person's attention or they are protecting something we would think insignificant, like a coloring general, just hungry for human touch whether it be a hug or they're being dragged across a floor because they've run from you so many times you just can't pick them up one more time.  What I have seen so far is that so many of the kids remember their "special" Americanos from last year...with no prompting from the Americanos. You truly don't know the impact you will have on someone else's life. 

The camp theme is "Eternal Security" and the only way to get "unstuck" from sin is through a trusting  God. There were games, skits, crafts and memory verses to help illustrate how sin keeps us out of relationship with God.  One of the memory verses for today was Proverbs 3:5-6:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take. 

In Romanian (not exact and without all the accents on the letters) which is really how we all had to learn it...

Increde-te in Domnul cu toata inima ta si nu depind propria ta intelegere. Cautati-va in tot ce ai face, si el sa-ti arate calea care sa ia. 

Our team devotion for today was about being mutually encouraged by those we serve from Romans 1.  Paraphrasing from the devotion...When we go on mission trips, we tend to go with the attitude that we will be taking Christ to people for the first time.  The truth is, Christ is already there and the seeds of faith have been sown; they just need to be nurtured, watered and cleaned up a bit. We have the same chance to have our faith cleaned up, watered and nurtured. We're here to serve but our hearts need to be opened to being served. The gypsy kids, the interns and the translators can have just as much of an impact on our lives as we can on theirs. 

Rachel and Lisa had a good day at the baby hospital. They were able to spend more time outside with the toddlers. Since it was just the 2 of them and 2 Livada staff members, they stayed very busy with all the babies.

Here's a few pictures from today's camp...I'll try to post more later:

It's lights out for us! Goodnight!