Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Eternal Security - Day 3

Yesterday's post was very hard. I didn't know what to write because I was really struggling with the whole day and how was I feeling. I also know that this blog isn't meant to be about me but a way to communicate what we're doing here. But the way I was feeling yesterday, I was afraid I would give a negative view of what is happening. 

We've all had difficult kids this week and I know there are those of us that wish some of the kids we've had  wouldn't come back. They run away, they kick, they cuss, they spit, they bite...but then they're hugging you.  Pablo and I are in the same work group and we've had several kids that have not been the best. We've had one little girl who was so bad on the bus yesterday that they wouldn't let her come to camp and yes, she was that bad at camp on Monday. Then there's a little girl, Cosmina - maybe 10-11 years old - who has pushed as much as possible every button in me and knows she is doing it.  Yesterday she was intentionally pushing harder and harder. She wouldn't get in line, she wouldn't participate in anything, when we would try to get her, she would run. I had had enough...once I finally caught her, I wrapped both my arms around her, sat down with her and had one leg over her. She fought me for 30 or more minutes. I told one of our translators to tell her that if she would stop fighting me and stop running off, I would let her go. She stopped fighting eventually and I let her go. Unfortunately, that didn't stop her from running off. We definitely were not friends the rest of the day. Leaving the camp last night, I wanted so badly for her not to come back...I even wondered why in the world I did this. 

When she arrived at camp today, I tried to give her hug...she totally turned away from me. We stayed far away from each other most of the day but her behavior was better.  Right after lunch she came to where I was sitting and sat down next to me...slowly she held my hand and then I got huge hug. Another little girl, Alexandra, she was off and on as far as behavior but never would really get close to me. Today, she never left my side. During craft time, they were making bracelets...they could only make 2. She made her first one and started her next one.  When she finished it, she looked up at me and pointed to my arm. The bracelet was for me!

I can't even describe how I felt...from struggling about even doing camp to wondering why I would even question it. So, why do we do this?? If even 1 hug, 1 picture or 1 smile makes a difference or puts something in their heart that wasn't there before then that's why we do it.

I pray tomorrow will be a good day. I can't wait to see Cosmina and Alexandra tomorrow. We all have those kids we're struggling with but I don't think any one of us would change anything except maybe the running!  What a difference a day makes!!

Please continue to pray for us...thanks for all the prayers!!

We miss everyone at home


  1. So much emotion in your words and they can be a lesson for all of us. How wonderful it would be if parents would sit down with their children and just hold them. What your love did is hopefully turn around the heart of these girls, how much more could God's love be for us and turn our hearts if we just take the time to let Him.

    Thanks for your posts!

  2. Paige:
    Thanks for sharing those tender moments. The time at camp is so crazy busy that I hadn't even noticed the significance of that quiet moment yesterday afternoon until I read your blog.
    I guess now that you and Cosmina are buddies you can get take her for the day.

  3. Thanks for sharing that experience Paige. As you know I work with kids that are "damaged" and it is so hard, as you acurately described, to show God's love. Brings a whole new meaning to PATIENCE as well. Hopefully this child will have those few moments to cling to as her life unfolds.
    You and the whole mission team are such a blessing.
