Friday, June 24, 2011

Time to say Goodbye...

I have no idea where to start. There are so many emotions about today and about the week. We started the day with a treasure hunt in a very large open field and ended by giving out the prayer blankets. All the kids, even those that were so wild during the week, calmed down when we gave them out. They all just seemed to melt when we wrapped the blankets around them and prayed for each one of them.

Saying goodbye is so hard but there are people here that do some amazing work with all of the people here. We all know that the kids will be very much loved by the people who work in the villages, the translators, etc.  I can't really put into words yet how I felt to see kids crying and to see them staring out the window of the bus with such sad looks on their faces. I'll have to work on this entry in a day or two.

We leave tomorrow morning (Friday night in the states) and start the journey home. We'll drive to Bucharest, tour the castle of the former Romanian monarch on the way, finish the drive in and then settle into our hotel.  We'll be up early Sunday morning to begin the trek home through about 3 time zones to arrive back into Atlanta Sunday night around 7:00 pm.

This is my final "peace out" from Targu Mures for 2011!! Love and hugs!!

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